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Preview Jule Owen


Jule Owen is an alumnus of Rothschild and Microsoft. She has worked as Chief Product and Technology Officer for three UK-based technology companies.

Jule started her career at Rothschild before spending many years at Microsoft, where a key responsibility was helping make consumer-facing software more accessible. She has worked on various domains, such as search, gaming, video advertising, consumer reviews, and B2B and B2C, in publicly and privately owned companies, private equity and VC-backed organisations.She was also a board member of the UK charity Tech for Trade and a mentor and advisor at Microsoft Ventures.

A former co-founder of a company aiming to support working caregivers of older family members, Jule has considerable depth of experience in the many ways the health and well-being of the ageing population affect broader society. She has considerable personal experience of the complex negative impacts of age inequality.

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