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Ageing Better is looking at new ways to support older workers through restructure and redundancy. Over the past three years we have researched, co-designed and delivered a pilot to improve outcomes for older workers at risk of redundancy.
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Age-friendly case study: Supporting older people to shape their environment through walk audits
Walking audits are a tool many Age-friendly Communities are using in different ways to strengthen the voices of older people in the design of outdoor spaces.
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Research from the Centre for Ageing Better shows that older people living in properties between 45 and 80 years old are most likely to experience the worst effects of heatwaves.
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A recent change in the eligibility rules for the Winter Fuel Payment has raised the importance of older people signing up for Pension Credit if they meet the criteria.
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As part of the opportunities for knowledge exchange through the UK Network of Age-friendly Communities, representatives from Brighton and Hove City Council visited Leeds to learn more about their Age and Dementia Friendly Work.
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Autonomy to managers
This case study shows how Epping Forest District Council’s approach to an inclusive work culture supports the engagement and retention of workers in their 50s and 60s.
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Since its inception in 2016, the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub has been responsible for delivering on Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s (GMCA) ambition to be an age-friendly city region
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The Good Practice Mentors offer support to organisations who are working with older people to help reduce instances of loneliness and social isolation.
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