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Sectors and businesses are vital components of local communities with a huge role to play in our day-to-day lives.
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Join the UK Network of Age-friendly Communities in celebrating the integral role of older people in our communities, this International Day of Older People.
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No one should have to live in a home that damages their health, yet it is the norm for far too many people in England today. We’re leading a national campaign to fix unsafe homes.
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Our older population is larger and more diverse than ever. What does the data tell us about this?
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Employment rates for 50–64-year-olds remain below the pre-pandemic peak. Why is that?
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Over and above working and caring, we explore important contributions older people make to society. We will be releasing more detailed data and analysis in 2024.
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We examine why so many older people face significant financial inequality and are not prepared for their retirement. This full length chapter has been updated in 2024.
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There is a growing divide in our experiences of ageing. Our summary discusses the data on our older population, highlights stark inequalities and the urgent need for action.
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