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This discussion guide is a useful template to guide the conversation about how age-friendly your organisation is, and what changes need to be prioritised.
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This diagnostic tool will help you to assess how age-friendly your culture is, so you can plan for the future
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Ageism is easily overlooked or ignored. But you cannot have an age-friendly culture without stamping out ageism in your workplace.
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We are all responsible for helping to shape the culture of our workplaces. Here are some ways you can help to make your workplace more age-friendly
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It is becoming increasingly likely that line managers will be managing multigenerational teams. But how do you do that successfully?
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Internal communications is a vital tool in shaping how your organisation thinks and talks about age
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This guidance will help you establish a 50+ employee network within your organisation, helping you to better understand and support your staff
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Establishing and implementing policies, processes and HR tools is essential to establishing an age-friendly culture. These are just some of the policies that can help make working life better for older workers, and for everyone
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