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This chapter sets the scene for how people in the UK are ageing today and the impact that COVID-19 is having on health inequalities.
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The first lockdown has seen a surge in community activity – but in many cases the people who are struggling to get by are missing out.
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#AgeProud is a campaign challenging the outdated, ageist attitudes that prevent too many of us from making the most of our longer lives.
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People are living longer in poor health than in the past and progress on life expectancy is stalling.
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As part of Black History Month we've collated stories from a number of Black Britons to give them a platform to share their stories about race, inequality, age and gender.
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Too many homes don’t meet the needs of people in later life. We want everyone to be able to live in a safe and suitable home as they get older.
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Our country wastes a huge amount of talent, skills and experience by denying older workers the chance to stay in jobs or find new ones.
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We want to help society respond positively and constructively to the demographic age shift, which will see one in four of us aged over 65 in the next 20 years.
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