Ageism: What's the harm?
This paper gives an overview of the harm that ageism causes to both individuals and society.
Ageism affects people of all ages, but it can limit people’s lives profoundly as they get older. We want society to view older age in a much more positive and realistic way.
At Ageing Better we’re confronting the pernicious ageism that exists across society.
Ageism affects people of all ages, but its damaging impact is often felt most strongly as people age, whether through discrimination in the workplace or being denied access to potentially life-saving healthcare.
Ageism means society doesn't value older people or invest in ways to help people age well. Everyone, everywhere has a stake in changing this and at Ageing Better we are building an Age-friendly Movement across the country. This includes a new campaign to shift attitudes to ageing and challenge ageism in everyday life.
Read about our work to date exploring ageism across public life.
We’ve also produced practical guides to help organisations change the way they talk about ageing, make their imagery more diverse, and reduce age-bias in the recruitment process.
Want to learn more about challenging ageism? Watch this video about our Age-friendly communications principles.
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