Age-friendly Employer Pledge
Sign up to the Age-friendly Employer Pledge and show you recognise the value of older workers
Health and work are closely linked. We want employers to help their staff manage health conditions so people can remain working for as long as they want and are able to.
Poor health is the most common reason people stop working before they want to or before they reach State Pension age. But the right job can be good for someone’s health and wellbeing.
We are supporting older workers to get the right support to manage health conditions and stay in jobs for longer. This could mean small workplace changes, like an adjustable desk, or greater flexibility in how, where and when they work.
Employers should make sure staff know they can ask for help and that managers really listen to what individual workers need, which could change over time.
Workplace culture and procedures should encourage staff to talk to their employer about what they need to keep working. Our research shows that too often people wait until crisis point to speak up.
We are calling on the government and employers to introduce more flexible working practices, which would make big difference to people managing health conditions. Read our flexible working guide.