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The State of Ageing 2023-24

The State of Ageing is the most detailed and up-to-date report about ageing in England. Hover over the different chapter sections and central logo to find out more.

ageing better purple
The State of Ageing 2023-24

There is a growing divide in our experiences of ageing. Our summary discusses the data on our older population, highlights stark inequalities and the urgent need for action.


The State of Ageing - Homes

Everyone’s home should be a sanctuary. This is an overview of the unsuitable, dangerous homes many older people live in.


SOA 2023-24 - Our Ageing Population

Our older population is larger and more diverse than ever. What does the data tell us about this?

Our Ageing Population

SOA 2023-24 - Financial Security

We examine why so many older people face significant financial inequality and are not prepared for their retirement.

Financial Security

SOA 2023-24 - Work

Employment rates for 50–64-year-olds remain below the pre-pandemic peak. Why is that?


SOA 2023-24 - Society

Over and above working and caring, we explore important contributions older people make to society.


SOA 2023-24 - Health and Wellbeing

Unfortunately, there are huge inequalities in our health due to factors like ethnicity, where we live, and our wealth.

Health and Wellbeing

Read the 2023 summary report here

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