International Day of Older People - 1 October 2024
Join the UK Network of Age-friendly Communities in celebrating the integral role of older people in our communities, this International Day of Older People.
Join us and help mark the day.
International Day of Older People - 1 October 2024
Join the UK Network of Age-friendly Communities in marking International Day of Older People, this October. This year’s UK theme is: “The part we play”: Celebrating the integral role of older people in our communities
Each year on 1st October, people across the world mark United Nations International Day of Older People to raise awareness of opportunities and challenges faced by ageing populations, and to mobilize the wider community to address difficulties faced by older people.
Introduction to the UK theme for 2024
Older people play an integral part in strengthening our communities and neighbourhoods; as workers, carers, volunteers, activists and community connectors. But these vital contributions are often overlooked, or limited by ageism and other societal and physical barriers.
As well as helping others, volunteering has been shown to improve our social connections, enhance our sense of purpose and self-esteem. Paid work can have a positive impact on wellbeing as well as finances. Despite this, many older people find themselves encountering barriers to getting involved in all the ways they would like to.
We all have a part to play in making our communities and neighbourhoods better places to age, and in celebrating and enabling the contributions of older people.
On this International Day of Older People, we are celebrating older people and the vital part they play, and have the potential to play, in making our community a better place to be.
Older adults are an asset to communities through contributing to the local economy, taking community leadership roles, contributing skills, experience and expertise in a variety of ways, volunteering, offering care of grandchildren, taking part in democratic processes, being active community members, caring for others, making and creating, being active consumers and having full, active lives.
Marking the day
Communities and organisations are welcome to mark the day in a way that's right for them- it could look like celebrating local older people through age-friendly awards, hosting taster-sessions to show the wide variety of activities on offer, or bringing people together through food and fun, to hear how your place might take action to be a better place to age.
However you choose to mark International Day of Older People this year, your activities will be helping to change the narrative on ageing, and get more people talking about the changes needed, so that everyone can enjoy a good later life, now and in the future. Do let us know how you’re marking the day: [email protected]
For more ideas how you might mark the day, see how people celebrated in previous years or find your local Age-friendly lead by browsing the UK Network of Age-friendly Communities map. Or you can even explore how some places recently celebrated the Age Without Limits Action Day.
Join the Age-friendly Movement
Supporting communities to mark International Day of Older People in October is just a small part of how we’re changing the narrative on ageing at the Centre for Ageing Better. Sign up to the Age-friendly Movement and receive our newsletter to find out how you can be involved.