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3. Act and implement

An introduction to implementing an age-friendly action plan.

Kevin Berry, Age-friendly Champion, Isle of Wight

Implementing an age-friendly action plan is at the heart of creating an age-friendly community. Even small steps can go a long way.

Age-friendly programme cycle

Age-friendly Programme Cycle:  Act and implement
These UK and international resources will help you to create and implement your action plan – simply click on the titles below to access:
Producing an action plan using a participative approach

Creating age-friendly environments in Europe. A tool for local policy-makers and planners
Policies to create more age-friendly environments, in which a growing number of cities and communities, local authorities and regional governments participate, have become a forceful movement in Europe and globally.

The AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities
AARP action plan for age-friendly communities, comprising action plan development case studies, evaluation and useful resources.

Here is a selection of age-friendly action plans and strategies from places that are on the age-friendly journey:

Approaches to implementation and operational delivery

World Health Organisation (WHO) – Age-friendly in practice
Age-friendly environments are free from physical and social barriers and supported by policies, systems, services, products and technologies. Browse or submit examples of age-friendly practice on the WHO website.

Creating an age-friendly New York City – one neighourhood at a time
A toolkit for establishing an ageing improvement district in your community. Published in 2012 by The New York Academy of Medicine and Age-friendly NYC.

Age-Friendly Communities in Canada: Community Implementation Guide
Designed for use by anyone who wants to put their ideas and vision for a more age-friendly community into action – focusing on different sectors in the community, such as health and social services, parks and recreation, policing services and businesses so as to incorporate age-friendly approaches into design, policy and services.

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