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Age-friendly resources

Find out more about Age-friendly Communities and access all the key publications, toolkits and more.

Older group of adults taking a selfie in front of a lake
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Age-friendly Communities are well placed to help residents to access the millions of pounds that go unclaimed in benefits for older people. This case study brings together examples that could be adopted in your place.

  • Communication and information

The Age-friendly Communities framework includes eight domains, or areas, that places can address to improve their structures and services to meet older people's needs and all of us as we age.

  • Delivering Age-friendly programme

This report demonstrates the need for understanding the local context and speaking to local communities when developing information and advice services.

  • Housing

This report has been produced by Leeds City Council, Leeds Older People’s Forum and the Centre for Ageing Better, and looks at what life is like for people aged 50 and over in Leeds.

  • Delivering Age-friendly programme

Age-friendly Communities across the UK have been working hard this year to make where they live better places to grow old in. Here we reflect on another year of progress towards an Age-friendly UK.

  • Delivering Age-friendly programme

The Centre for Ageing Better’s new State of Ageing 2023/24 chapter on Society reveals that being poor or disabled can increase the chances of someone becoming the victim of ageism four-fold.

  • Social participation
  • Respect and social inclusion

This research highlights a need for a fundamental re-think of digital inclusion policy and practice for people in later life.

  • Communication and information

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