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Age-friendly resources

Find out more about Age-friendly Communities and access all the key publications, toolkits and more.

Older group of adults taking a selfie in front of a lake
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These two reports, based on research conducted by NatCen Social Research, examine volunteering and community connectedness during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Social participation

Age-Friendly Communities in Canada: Community Implementation Guide

Designed for use by anyone who wants to put their ideas and vision for a more age-friendly community into action – focusing on different sectors in the community, such as health and social services, parks and recreation, policing services and businesses so as to incorporate age-friendly approaches into design, policy and services.
  • Delivering Age-friendly programme

Limited access to public transport, health services and other crucial facilities can present additional challenges to people living in rural communities, compared to those in urban communities.

  • Transportation

The menopause affects half of all workers. And yet the majority of current employer’s menopause policies are non-existent or sorely lacking.

  • Civic participation and employment

This webinar explored the findings from our evaluation of the Leeds Neighbourhood Network.

  • Community support and health services

Why bother involving people in evaluation?

A practical tool from Evaluation Support Scotland to help organisations plan how to involve the people they work with in evaluation.
  • Delivering Age-friendly programme

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