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Older woman in house doorway

Fixing England’s dangerous homes would deliver more than £1.5 billion in annual health and social care savings

New analysis reveals how poor quality housing is incurring huge costs and pressures on the NHS and social care.

  • Homes
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Older woman sitting on floor in her home

It is time to act on the silent scandal of nearly 4 million dangerous homes

We urgently need a national strategy to tackle the poor quality of the country’s homes, writes our Chief Executive Dr Carole Easton OBE.

  • Homes
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Two older women socialising outside

The enormous contributions older people make to society – and the barriers holding them back

Older people’s contributions to their communities are invaluable - they matter for the wellbeing of older people and their families, as well as for their neighbourhoods.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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A group of older people walking by a canal

Being poor, disabled or from a minority ethnic background significantly increases risk of ageism, new study finds

The Centre for Ageing Better’s new State of Ageing 2023/24 chapter on Society reveals that being poor or disabled can increase the chances of someone becoming the victim of ageism four-fold.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Five people on the beachThe winning photo of North Norfolk’s Age Positive Photography Competition. ’Red Hat Ladies’ by Sally Redgrave.

How Age-friendly Communities celebrated the Age Without Limits Action Day 2024

The first Age Without Limits Action Day brought together an array of events and activities helping to change perceptions about ageing.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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10 Downing Street

Older people demand their voices are heard at Downing Street as they call for a Commissioner

Representatives from Ageing Better join campaigners and colleagues from three other organisations to hand in a petition calling for a Commissioner for Older People and Ageing in England.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Older man at home smiling

Finding funds, fixing homes: the art of the possible

More than £2 billion in home improvement funding administered by local authorities for homeowners and landlords has been cut over the last decade, writes our Homes Innovation and Change Manager Ploy Suthimai

  • Homes
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Two women walking down the street

Five ways Age-friendly Communities are taking intergenerational approaches

This week sees the start of Global Intergenerational Week, a campaign encouraging everyone to embrace intergenerational practice and relationships.

  • Age-friendly Movement

Latest research from others

Kuball, T. and Jahn, G., European Journal of Ageing
23 May 2024
This paper outlines older adult’s views of their own subjective social status at a number of time points across the life course from 10 years past to 10 years into the future, using survey data from…
Rasset, P., Mange, J., Augustinova, M., Frontiers in Psychology
24 May 2024
This review outlines age-related stereotypes faced by older people, and the mechanisms through which they impact mental and physical health.
8 May 2024
This report outlines the impact of the UKRI’s Health Ageing Social, Behavioural and Design Research Programme. Outlining a wide range of projects delivered across the UK, the report provides…

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