Action to support the 50-70s crucial to building UK’s resilience post-pandemic
Improving health resilience and maximising the economic contribution of 50-70 year olds will be crucial to support economic recovery and growth, new report says.
The Centre for Ageing Better has set out proposals for national and local government to build resilience in the wake of the pandemic in a new report.
Stronger action to support those in their 50s and 60s will be crucial to building the UK’s resilience as we emerge from the Coronavirus pandemic, according to a new report from the Centre for Ageing Better.
Those aged 50-70 face serious risks to their health and their financial security as a result of the pandemic, and risk falling through the cracks in the response, Ageing Better says. Actions taken to support this group, they say, will also benefit society as a whole.
The new report sets out actions for national and local government to learn the lessons of the pandemic and build on the positives that have emerged during the lockdown. Supporting over 50s back to work, building health resilience in the population, investing in community infrastructure and tackling poor housing are among the recommendations. The Centre for Ageing Better is also calling for action from other sectors including employers, housebuilders and the fitness industry to support the recovery.
The report draws on findings from Ipsos MORI on the impact of lockdown on those in their 50s and 60s. The research found that one in five in this age group had seen their health decline, and over half had had a medical or dental appointment cancelled. A recent report by the Centre for Ageing Better and the Learning and Work Institute, meanwhile, warned of the risk of a surge in long-term unemployment among the over 50s, with the number of older workers on unemployment benefits doubling as a result of the pandemic.
Learning from lockdown: Priorities for the future
Anna Dixon, Chief Executive at the Centre for Ageing Better, said:
“The response to the coronavirus crisis from our communities has been incredible, and the government has taken some strong steps to support people and the economy. But in the months and years ahead, much more needs to be done to build resilience and protect against future shocks.
“In particular, we need to see action to support those in their 50s and 60s, who we know have been hit hard by the pandemic. Many have seen their physical and mental health suffer, and there are real risks to people’s financial security.
“We need to quickly build on the work that has started in a number of areas. That means targeted support to help over 50s back to work, a much stronger focus on improving people’s health, investment in the community infrastructure that has been so vital in this crisis, and action to tackle the poor quality of too many homes in this country.”