Centre for Ageing Better launches annual review
The Centre for Ageing Better launches it's annual review, looking back at our first full year of charitable activity, as well as setting out our plans for the future.
An overview of our work over the past year, as well as setting out future plans for achieving its vision of a society where everybody enjoys a good later life.
The Centre for Ageing Better was set up in response to ‘Ready for Ageing?’ – a report delivered by a House of Lords Select Committee, chaired by Ageing Better’s Chair, Lord Filkin. The report highlighted how Government and society are ‘woefully underprepared’ for our ageing population. Following a start-up phase, 2016-17 was the first full year of charitable activity.
Rather than celebrating the gift and opportunity of longer life, our ageing society is seen as a drain on resources, and ageism is one of the last acceptable forms of prejudice and discrimination. The Centre for Ageing Better’s fundamental purpose is to drive the changes needed so that more people will benefit from their longer lives.
Activities from 2016-17 highlighted in the review include:
- The commissioning of two large systematic reviews – one on the role of home adaptations in improving later life, and one on inequalities for people in later life.
- Influencing national strategy on housing, including a submission reflected in the Housing White Paper, emphasising local areas must consider the needs of the ageing population in their housing planning and supply.
- Commissioning practical evidence-based guidance on three key age-friendly workplace practices, working with Business in the Community, on: preventing age bias in recruitment, maximising the benefits of mixed-age teams, and effectively managing flexible working.
- Completing an innovation project with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority – to co-design solutions to worklessness with people over 50 who want to get back into the job market, in five GM boroughs.
- Launching two new areas of work on community contributions and physical activity in later life.
- Together with the Resolution Foundation, producing an analysis of the experience and characteristics of low to middle income households age 50 to state pension age.
- Supporting the further development of the UK Network of Age-friendly Communities.
The Centre for Ageing Better will continue to work with partners to develop and secure practical changes to realise the opportunity of longer later lives.