These new figures also raise concerns that the impact of lockdown could seriously damage this generation’s financial future. Almost half believe that their personal finances will worsen over the next year, and only 39% of those who are currently furloughed or of working age but not in employment are confident that they will be employed in the future.
The Centre for Ageing Better warns that without action, the impact of lockdown risks creating a ‘lost generation’ of pensioners in poor health and financially insecure. We are calling on the government to make sure this generation is not left behind in the recovery and to provide tailored job-seekers support for older workers. This will be essential to protect the financial wellbeing of this age group, who struggle more than any other group to get back into work, and will contribute to the UK’s economic recovery.
Ageing Better has also warned that government efforts to improve the nation’s health must be redoubled to avoid vital progress being lost. With health inequalities already on the rise, they say that without action these inequalities risk becoming entrenched within this generation of retirees. The new figures show that the unemployed and those who anticipate their finances worsening over the next year are more likely to have seen their health deteriorate over the lockdown period. The Centre for Ageing Better is calling on the government to take decisive action to improve health and close the gap in disability-free life expectancy between the richest and poorest.