Appointment of our new Chief Executive Officer
The Centre for Ageing Better is delighted to announce the appointment of Anna Dixon as its Chief Executive Officer.
Anna is a highly respected and well-known figure in health policy and has a successful track record of working at the highest levels of government to bring about positive change. Throughout her career she has been committed to ensuring the voice and needs of the citizen and patients are at the heart of her work.
She was most recently Chief Analyst and Director of Strategy at the Department of Health. Her key responsibilities were to support evidence-based decision-making, to provide strategic direction to the health and care system, and to enable the views of patients and users to inform policy and practice.
Prior to this Anna spent 7 years as a Director at The King’s Fund leading research and policy work. Her personal research has included studies on how to improve patient choice and engagement, the integration of health and social care, changing health behaviours, and reducing health inequalities.
She has considerable international experience having worked with the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, provided consultancy advice to international organisations and overseas Ministries of Health as well as spending a year in the United States with the Commonwealth Fund as a Harkness Fellow in Health Care Policy and Practice.
She has a PhD in Social Policy from the London School of Economics and Political Science and is a lay Trustee at the British Geriatric Society.
Lord Filkin, Chair of the Centre of Ageing Better said:
“The Centre wants to help many more people have a better later life by identifying evidence of what works and by encouraging change in line with this evidence. We therefore needed an outstanding person to lead the Centre, someone with vision and leadership who could help bring about real change.
We are delighted that Anna has agreed to join us. She has an exceptional track record of achieving positive change and we are pleased to have someone of her talent and expertise and reputation joining us. The Board and I look forward to working with her.”
She will be joining the Centre at an opportune time. The Centre has just completed a major consultation with stakeholders on its priorities. Over 100 organisations have responded to the consultation with many keen to work with the Centre. The Centre is very grateful for the helpful and thoughtful comments. The Centre will be carrying out consultation directly with older people over the summer. In depth research is also underway looking at existing evidence around the potential programme areas for the Centre.
Our ageing society is something to celebrate and yet not everyone shares in the benefits of a long and healthy life, gets the care they need, or feels safe and secure in old age.
Anna Dixon said:
Anna will join the Centre on 1st September and as well as building her team she will prepare plans for the Board about the Centre’s detailed future work programme. She said of her new appointment:
"I am delighted to have the opportunity to lead the Centre for Ageing Better. Our ageing society is something to celebrate and yet not everyone shares in the benefits of a long and healthy life, gets the care they need, or feels safe and secure in old age. There is a huge opportunity to change this. I am committed to ensure that we discover more about what works and apply this knowledge in our communities across England to bring about positive change. I look forward to working with partners nationally and locally who share the Centre’s mission to help more people to have a better later life."