In response, the Centre for Ageing Better says that better support is needed for people over 50 to find employment. Employment support needs to help them navigate new job application processes, offer training that’s relevant to their experience, and take into account health issues and caring responsibilities.
On Wednesday the chancellor Rishi Sunak is expected to set out support for those who have lost jobs to retrain in his ‘summer update’ on the state of the economy. Ahead of this, the report’s authors warn that over 50s are likely to be hard hit and need specific support. Without measures to stop them falling out of work, and tailored employment support to get back into work, this group could struggle to get by financially for years.
Anna Dixon, Chief Executive at the Centre for Ageing Better, said:
“This report, which draws on the experiences of over 50s accessing employment support, shows just how many barriers older jobseekers face when trying to get back into work.
“From inflexible employment opportunities that don’t take health needs or caring responsibilities into account, to training that doesn’t meet people’s needs, it’s clear that employment support services aren’t giving jobseekers in their 50s and 60s the support they need.
“As we begin to see huge job losses as a result of COVID-19, this support is more crucial than ever. If over 50s who lose their jobs or are made redundant in this crisis aren’t helped back into work, they are likely to struggle financially for the rest of their lives, spending down any savings they had built up and having to rely on benefits.”