Work | The State of Ageing 2025
Health, socioeconomic inequalities, gender and ethnicity interact with ageism to create barriers to employment for older people.

This year’s State of Ageing report paints a picture of the older population in England, using a variety of national data sources.
We have also spoken to older people about their lives and seen our analysis of the data reflected in their experiences of ageing.
Key points
- Place-based inequalities – together with other factors including health, socioeconomic inequalities, ethnicity and gender – interact with ageism to create unique barriers to employment for older workers, leaving some groups at greater risk of worklessness and poverty in later life.
- The government wants to hit an overall employment rate of 80%. There are two groups of people whose employment rate lags behind this target: people aged under 25 and those aged 55 and over. The government has set out specific plans to improve the employment rate among the under 25s, but not among the over 55s.
- Health problems are the main reason why older workers leave the workforce prematurely. The disability employment gap rises with age: around two in three Disabled people aged 25 to 34 are employed compared with fewer than half of Disabled people aged 50 to 65.
- Nearly half a million people aged 50 to 65 with long-term health conditions would return to the workforce if the right support were in place.
- Age alone has a big impact on people’s chances of being in employment. Employment support services, such as the Work and Health Programme, achieve much worse outcomes for people aged 50 and over than for younger age groups. This gap gets wider the older you are.
- The poverty rate of people aged 65 doubled when the state pension age was increased recently. This means that, without concerted efforts to improve employment outcomes for people in their sixties, any further increase to the state pension age runs the risk of pushing more people into poverty, thereby reinforcing existing inequalities.
What needs to happen
- National government: Commit to an employment rate target of 75% for people aged 50 to 64 by 2030, and provide a clear measure of progress in improving rates of employment among the over 50s during this parliament. Achieving this target by 2030 would come with significant rewards, generating at least £9 billion a year for the economy and netting the Treasury an additional £1.6 billion a year in income tax and national insurance contributions.
- National government: Review its approach for people in their sixties, recognising that retirement has fundamentally changed over the last 20 years. Where retirement was once generally a ‘cliff edge’, with people moving directly from full-time work to no work, transitions are becoming more diverse and complex. Before any further changes are made to the state pension age, the government should undertake a holistic review of its approach for people in their sixties. This means considering extra financial support for people approaching state pension age who are unable to work, and employment support for those above state pension age who want and need to work.
- Local government: New Strategic Authorities and their mayors to ensure that high standards for people in their 50s and 60s are built into the design of all local Get Britain Working plans and locally supported employment programmes to considerably improve access to work for people over 50. Traditional employment support has not served people in their fifties and sixties as effectively as younger age groups. Older workers are less likely to seek support and, when they do, their outcomes are worse than any other age group. We need to ensure that the government’s planned reforms carefully address the unique challenges of the older part of the workforce. A place-based approach is crucial to this, both to tackle substantial regional inequalities and also because the evidence suggests that locally devised and run employment support is more effective.
- Employers: Sign our Age-friendly Employer Pledge to show they recognise the value of older workers, are committed to improving work for people in their fifties and sixties, and are taking the necessary action to help them flourish in a multigenerational workforce.
Employment among people aged 50 and over: trends and patterns
Countries with an overall employment rate of 80% have a much higher employment rate among people aged 55 and over than the UK
The new government has set a ‘long-term ambition’ of an 80% employment rate, noting that Iceland, the Netherlands and Switzerland have all hit this target.
What does the chart show?
- There is little difference between the UK and Iceland, the Netherlands and Switzerland in their employment rate of ‘prime age’ 25 to 54-year-old workers.
- The employment rate of workers who are younger and older than the ‘prime age’ group is substantially lower in the UK than in these other countries. The rate for people aged 55 to 64 is 75% in the Netherlands and Switzerland and 81% in Iceland compared with just 65% in the UK.
We also know that:
- Because Iceland, the Netherlands and Switzerland have significantly higher employment rates of people aged under 25, the government has sensibly launched a ‘youth guarantee’ to improve the employment rate of younger workers.
- The government will not reach its 80% target without equal effort to improve the employment rate among people aged 55 to 64, but this older age group has not been singled out for intervention under current plans.
Employment rates fall sharply after the age of 55
What does the chart show?
- In 2016, before the state pension age was raised to 66, employment rates declined gradually from the age of 60 to state pension age.
- In 2024, following increases to the state pension age, employment rates were much higher among people in their early sixties than they had been in 2016, and they remained higher up to the age of 70.
- While the state pension age increase has encouraged more people to work into their mid-sixties, the steep decline in employment rates after 63 shows there is still a long way to go if we want to genuinely extend ‘working age’ into the mid-to-late sixties.
We also know that:
- The poverty rate of 65 year olds doubled at the last increase in state pension age so, without concerted efforts to improve employment outcomes for people in their sixties, we can expect the imminent increase in state pension age to 67 to have further ramifications for poverty levels in this age group.
- Currently 1.1 million working age people aged 60 and over are living in poverty – almost a quarter (23%) of this age group. This is the second highest rate of poverty among working-age adults. The highest rate (25%) is among people aged 16 to 24.
The gender employment rate gap peaks between the ages of 63 and 66
What does the chart show?
- Despite the state pension age being equalised in 2018 and raised for both men and women from 65 to 66 in 2020, employment rates for women remain consistently lower than those for men.
- Among people aged 50 and over, the employment rate gap between men and women is most pronounced from the age of 63 to 66, showing a pronounced divergence in workforce participation as people approach and surpass state pension age.
We also know that:
- The gender employment rate gap varies between different ethnic groups. Only 20% of Bangladeshi women, 29% of Pakistani women and 55% of Chinese women aged 50 to 64 are employed compared with 65%, 68% and 70% of men with these ethnic backgrounds.
- The reasons why women leave the workforce are also significantly different. Women aged 45 to 60 are seven times more likely than men in this age group to have left or considered leaving work before state pension age to care for children or grandchildren (15% compared with 2%).
Regions with the lowest employment rates for older workers have the lowest employment rates overall – and vice versa
What do the charts show?
- Regional employment rates for people aged 50 to 64 mirror the overall ‘working age’ (16 to 64 in this data) employment rate for these regions. The key factor in the chances of a person aged 50 and over getting a job is whether there are jobs for people of any age.
- The South East region has the highest overall employment rate (79%) and also the highest employment rate of people aged 50 to 64 (75%). Similarly, the North East has the lowest overall employment rate (71%) and the lowest employment rate of people aged 50 to 64 (66%).
We also know that:
- Below this broad regional level, there is significant variation between places within regions, although the data is not strong enough to paint a truly accurate picture. As the Local Government Association has noted, areas with very different levels of employment opportunities can be cheek by jowl with one another.
- Living close to a place with plenty of employment opportunities does not always mean that people have access to them if transport links are poor. And moving for work becomes less possible as we go through different life stages. Geographic mobility declines with age, and people aged 45 and over are the least likely to relocate for work.
- Just as employment opportunities are not evenly distributed across the country, neither is the population. This means that there are large numbers of people who need support to return to work in populous places with relatively high employment rates. Almost one in five (19%, 416,000) of all the people in England aged 50 to 65 who are ‘involuntarily workless’ (out of work for reasons other than retirement) live in London, which has fairly high employment rates, while 15% (335,000) live in the South West.
The North East and London have wider gaps between the employment rates of older and younger workers than other parts of the country
What does the chart show?
- Across the country the employment rates of people aged 50 to 65 lag behind those of people aged 35 to 49.
- This employment rate gap or ‘age penalty’ is widest in the North East (19.8 percentage points) followed by London (19.1 percentage points).
- The smallest gaps are in the North West (11.6 percentage points) and the South East (13.9 percentage points).
Sickness is the main reason for worklessness among people aged 50 to 65, with retirement close behind
What does the chart show?
- The great majority of workless people aged 50 to 65 (40.5%) identify sickness as their main reason for not working, closely followed by retirement (30.8%).
- A smaller percentage of people aged 50 to 65 than those aged 35 to 49 are unemployed or inactive because they are caring for a home or family (12.2% compared with 34.4%).
We also know that:
- Of the 3 million people who are currently out of work (unemployed or inactive) with a long-term health condition, more than half (53%, 1.6 million) are aged 50 to 65.
- More than half a million people aged 50 to 65 who are economically inactive say they would like to work. Of these people, 348,000 are out of work due to sickness or disability. This suggests there is a significant number of people who would be willing to return to the workforce if the right jobs and support were available (see our technical report for more details).
Half of all workless people aged 50 to 65 in the North West are out of work due to their health compared with just one in three in the South West
What does the chart show?
- Although some parts of the country have a reputation for being places to retire to, there is no obvious correlation between the number of people aged 50 to 65 living in a region and the proportion of them who are retirees. However, there are notable regional differences in the reasons people give for being out of work.
- Just one in four people aged 50 to 65 in the South East (25%) and North West (24%) who are out of work are out of work because they are retired, compared with one in three people in the South West (33%).
- The South West has the lowest percentage (33%) of people aged 50 to 65 who are out of work due to their health while the North West has the highest percentage (50%).
- Most people aged 50 to 65 who are not working are classed as economically inactive, which means they are not actively looking for a job or able to work. But almost one in ten (9%) workless people aged 50 to 65 in the South East are unemployed, which means they are looking for a job and are able to work, compared with 4% in the East of England.
The government’s economic inactivity trailblazer areas all have employment rates for people aged 50 to 64 that are below the England average
Trailblazer areas are places that were chosen by the Department for Work and Pensions in 2024 to receive a year of funding to kick-start local plans and initiatives to reduce economic inactivity.
What does the chart show?
- The employment rate of people aged 50 to 64 in the government’s economic inactivity trailblazer areas is consistently below the England average. The lowest rate is in York and North Yorkshire (64%).
- The data suggests that the trailblazer areas are the places where there is most need to improve opportunities for workers in their fifties and sixties but the government’s trailblazer strategy will only succeed if they also take specific action within their wider plans to target and support people aged 50 to 64.
The disability employment gap rises with age
What does the chart show?
- The disability employment gap (the difference between the employment rates of Disabled and non-disabled people) widens with age.
- Among non-disabled people aged 50 to 65, 82% are in work compared with 46% of Disabled people in this age group. This is a gap of 35 percentage points compared with about 25 percentage points for people aged 25 to 49.
- Disabled people aged 25 to 34 have an employment rate of 64%, so around two in three Disabled people aged 25 to 34 are employed compared with fewer than half (46%) of Disabled people aged 50 to 65.
We also know that:
- Although people aged 50 and over are more likely to have multiple, long-term health conditions than younger people, they are not substantially more likely to describe their health conditions as ‘work limiting’. A little more than half (56%) of people aged 60 to 65 who have a long-term health condition describe it as work limiting compared with 52% of those aged 35 to 49. This suggests that it is not simply poor health driving the higher disability employment gap for older workers – there is also an age effect at play.
You've got an age, you've got your age barrier – that's really quite a big barrier – and then all, you know, health problems – that's a big barrier. So maybe there's some work that needs to be done around that to make it more positive for employers.
In the North East, Disabled people aged 50 to 65 are only half as likely to be in work as non-disabled people
What does the chart show?
- The disability employment gap (the difference between the employment rates of Disabled and non-disabled people) for people aged 50 to 65 is widest in northern regions.
- The widest gap is in the North East where just 37% of Disabled people aged 50 to 65 are employed compared with 79% of non-disabled people. This means that Disabled people in this age group are only half as likely to be in work as non-disabled people in the region, which indicates that creating more accessible employment is particularly critical in some parts of the country.
People aged 50 and over are much less likely to get a job through employment support services than younger people
What does the chart show?
- The success rate of the government’s Work and Health Programme, which helps people out of work and claiming unemployment benefit find and retain employment, falls substantially from the age of 35 onwards.
- For people aged 55 to 59, the programme’s success rate is 15 percentage points lower than for those aged 30 to 34 (25% compared with 40%), while for people aged 60 and over, the success rate is only 20% – half as good as for those aged 30 to 34.
We also know that:
- The situation is compounded by the fact that employment support programmes struggle to engage older workers. Just one in ten people aged 50 to 64 who are out of work engage in back-to-work support.
- Workers aged 45 to 54 are nearly twice as likely as those aged 16 to 24 to remain stuck in insecure work (48.8% compared with 28.2%), experiencing unpredictable pay and working hours/patterns or lacking access to employment rights and protections.
- More age-positive, age-curious and age-targeted interventions – from both the government and employers – would engage and support older workers effectively.
I did the course here, done a few courses here, but why I wasn’t put forward for the job? And when I asked, [I was told they] didn’t put you forward because you old people don’t seem to fare very well at interviews.
Self-employment continues to be favoured by workers aged 50 and over
What does the chart show?
- Of the 4.3 million self-employed workers in the UK, more than 2 million (49%) are aged 50 and over.
- Almost one in five (17%) workers aged 50 to 65 are self-employed. Among workers aged 66 and over, the percentage is 37%, the highest of any age group.
We also know that:
- Self-employment can put people at greater risk of being under-pensioned or receiving less-than-average income from pensions.
Five years of labour market progress for people aged 50 to 64 has been lost since the pandemic
What does the chart show?
- People in their fifties and sixties were driving the country’s employment rate growth until the pandemic, which appears to have brought this progress to a halt.
- While the employment rates of people aged 35 to 49 and 65 and over seem to have recovered since the pandemic – and have now surpassed their pre-pandemic peaks – the rate for those aged 50 to 64 continues to lag behind and has still not returned to pre-pandemic levels.
Note that there are issues with the accuracy of Labour Force Survey data that have worsened since late 2019 (see our technical report for more details).