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Blogs: Planning and preparing for later life

In anticipation of our event, 'A message to myself: planning and preparing for later life', this collection of blogs touches upon personal experiences and feelings towards preparing for 60s and beyond.

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The event will mark the launch of our new research, which is a summary of the evidence that exists about who does or doesn’t plan for the future, what the barriers and enablers might be to planning, and what might work to help people plan more.

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Ageing Better’s report, ‘Planning and preparing for later life’, summarises the available evidence on what enables people to plan for their later lives and what factors can present barriers to planning.

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We held a panel event that explored what enables people to plan for their later lives, and the challenges they may face along the way.

Preview Lots of leaflets on retirement

While we might want to plan ahead for our future, the day-to-day challenges we all face can make it hard to do in practice.

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While some people know the basic things they need to plan for as they approach later life, many of us leave the fine details to the last moment.

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For many people, looking ahead to what we’ll think, feel and need in later life is almost impossible – even if they’re aware of the importance of planning.

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