In January 2020, TFL announced some laudable efforts to improve high streets in some boroughs across the city, including local branding, pavements cleared of clutter, the planting of new trees and the installation of water fountains. While these all have the potential to be fantastic improvements in local communities, without including a commitment to accessible toilets, they fall short of their aim to “make areas more welcoming and attractive for everyone… helping to improve people's lives across the city.” In one of the boroughs, TFL is working with Wandsworth, where there are no public toilets at all.
The Royal Society for Public Health reports that a lack of facilities can act as a ‘loo leash’, stopping people who need toilet access from venturing too far from home for fear they won’t be able to find facilities. The report also points out that the lack of loos means that 56% of the public restrict fluid intake before going out; a practice which, alongside ‘holding it in’, can exacerbate underlying conditions.
We set up @ldnloocodes in response to these problems, and the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive. However, early signs indicate that rather than embracing the unique position they’re in to create positive change, many of these chains are simply changing their codes more often.
We had hoped this wouldn’t be the response and are calling on these businesses to give some serious consideration to the role they play in the communities they’re working in.
Of course, the solution to this shouldn’t lie exclusively in the hands of businesses, and we’d love to see the Mayor of London commit to creating more free, accessible public toilets across the city. In 2016 the BBC reported that, due to budget cuts, more than 1,780 toilets had been closed down across the UK in the preceding decade, and this trend appears set to continue into the future unless action is taken.
With the London Mayoral Election coming up in May 2020, this is the perfect time to push for meaningful improvements that will help open London up to more people, and we hope our campaign will be a part of that.