Evaluation of pilot projects: Supporting people through the transition into retirement
An evaluation of seven pilot projects funded under the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s (CGF) (UK Branch) Transitions in Later Life programme.
The Transitions in Later Life programme is based on the premise that transitions, such as retirement, provide an important opportunity to engage people in support and ensure people have positive experiences in later life.
This evaluation was co-commissioned by the CGF UK Branch and the Centre for Ageing Better (AB) as part of a partnership between the two organisations to use evidence and innovation to explore ways to help people manage major life changes in later life. The projects which were evaluated were:
- Age and Opportunity
- Beth Johnson Foundation, in partnership with Ageing Without Children
- The Centre for Policy on Ageing
- Manchester MIND
- NHS Cheshire and Wirral Partnership Foundation Trust
- Positive Ageing Associates
- Workers Educational Association (WEA)
All projects delivered group-based interventions aimed at building the resilience and emotional wellbeing of people aged 50+. The projects used a number of varying tools and approaches, including: planning/goal-setting, self-reflection, self-coaching, storytelling, relaxation techniques, mindfulness, meditation and cognitive behavioural therapy.
As well as delivering courses, the project leads participated in a Learning Community which met quarterly to share challenges and learning.
The overarching purpose of the evaluation is to understand how promising these approaches were in supporting people with transitions they experience in later life, for instance retirement, and to inform the development of future service provision.