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Preview Michelle's voice

Michelle's voice

Michelle, in her 60s, reflects on her time spent in America where she was inspired to become more vocal by the Black community before coming back to the UK to take up higher education opportunities and raise her children.
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Lincolnshire and the Centre for Ageing Better announce an exciting new partnership to ensure more people in the county enjoy later life.
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Preview Shirleys voice

Shirley's voice

Shirley, 60, from Essex talks about her Windrush heritage, the contributions the Afro-Caribbean community has made to the UK and life in Britain as she approaches later life.
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Preview Tims voice

Tim's voice

Tim from London recalls growing up in the east end of the city, dealing with racism and how ageism is now his main concern for his future job prospects.
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Group of people enjoying the sun by a bridge

Healthy ageing consensus statement

With Public Health England, we’ve brought together over 120 organisations to help make England the best country in the world to grow old.
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As part of Black History Month we've collated stories from a number of Black Britons to give them a platform to share their stories about race, inequality, age and gender. 
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Older couple walking in a park

Decade of Healthy Ageing

The UN Decade of Healthy Ageing’s vision for 2031 is a world in which everyone can live a long and healthy life.
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Preview Ann's Voice

Ann's voice

Ann, a 54-year-old former teaching assistant, talks about the 'triple whammy' of her age, gender and race.
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Our strategic partner, the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, has launched a campaign for International Day of Older Persons, highlighting the crucial roles older people have played in the city region during the coronavirus pandemic.
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What does it mean to have age-friendly and inclusive volunteering, and whole-system approaches to community-centred public health?
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