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Preview Elaine Smith


Senior Programme Manager, 50+ Worklessness
Elaine is our Senior Programme Manager for 50+ Worklessness, overseeing all our projects and influencing to improve the quality and accessibility of employment and skills support for people age 50+.

Elaine also manages our work with Greater Manchester Combined Authority and DWP on new models of employment support for those aged 50 to State Pension age. She is responsible for local engagement and programme development in the region and is based in the Greater Manchester Combined Authority Skills and Work Team.

Elaine has held various roles in employment and skills across the public, private and VCS sectors and is experienced in designing and delivering provision for harder to engage groups.

Articles written by Elaine

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Working alongside people with lived experience and local stakeholders, we found out what's not working when it comes to providing employment support for over 50s.
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The Upskilling employability workers project, a programme in Greater Manchester which trained employability workers in how to better support older jobseekers, was created to address the barriers to employability faced by older age groups.

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