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Preview Aideen Young


Senior Evidence Manager - Research, Impact and Voice
Aideen plays a key part in the evidence function at Ageing Better, ensuring that - as a What Works centre - we have the right evidence to support and shape our work across the organisation.

She oversees delivery of our flagship report on the State of Ageing and has commissioned, and led, myriad projects including those on active travel, strength and balance training, community contributions, experiences of our homes and communities during the pandemic, experience of the retirement transition and psychosocial support for transitions in later life.

Aideen holds an MSc in Ageing and Society from King’s College, London and a PhD in Chemistry from New York University. She previously worked in the medical communications sector and as a protein crystallographer solving the structure of proteins involved in the immune response.

Articles written by Aideen

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If you want to know what it is like getting older in the UK, ignore assumptions and look at the facts.
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The British Society of Gerontology held its 53rd Annual Conference in Newcastle at the start of this month.
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Many older renters and owner occupiers are both finding that rising housing costs are pulling them into poverty.

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