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Preview Jemma Mouland

Mouland (Maternity Leave)

Deputy Director for Research, Impact and Voice
Jemma works across all our action areas to help maximise our impact. Jemma leads the Research, Impact and Voice team who are responsible for ensuring our work is grounded in evidence, shaped by the voice of lived experience and is focused on achieving impact.

Jemma joined Ageing Better in January 2017 and has held roles as Senior Programme Manager and Senior Innovation and Change Manager, where she led our work on stimulating innovation.

Jemma previously worked as Head of Research and Policy at Family Mosaic, a large London based housing association. In this role Jemma led on the organisation’s ambitious research programme and was lead researcher on several major projects aimed at improving older tenants' health and wellbeing.

Jemma currently sits on the Board of CommUNITY Barnet, a charity that champions community action in Barnet and surrounding boroughs. She was previously Vice Chair at Bridge Renewal Trust.

Articles written by Jemma

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Adrian is in his late 50s and out of work. He’s an experienced electrician, but has spent the past 10 years in and out of short term and zero-hours contracts.
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A quarter of over 75s are now using tablet computers and nearly half (48%) of internet users aged 65-74 have a social media profile.
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ONS data released last week shows that internet usage is growing fastest amongst those approaching and in retirement.

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