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About us

Learn more about our mission and values.

ageing better light purple

The Centre for Ageing Better is tackling inequalities in ageing.

We are working to make our workplaces, homes and communities inclusive of older people, as well as building an Age-friendly Movement so that society sees ageing in a more positive and realistic way. Get it right and more of us can experience good health, financial security and be treated fairly and with respect as we grow older.

Our work

We work across three areas: Age-friendly Movement, Age-friendly Homes and Age-friendly Employment.

Read more about what we do

Our Strategy

We're determined to build on existing work and focus further on how we can improve later lives.

Everyone has the right to a good later life: Our 2022-25 strategy

Contact us

Find all the information on how to contact the Centre for Ageing Better.

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Meet the team

Find out more about the people who work at Ageing Better, as well as our Trustees.

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Work with us

Here's our latest job and volunteering opportunities .

Find out about our vacancies

Funding opportunities

We regularly post opportunities to work with us on projects through invitations to tender and grants

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Involvement at Ageing Better

When working with the public, we blend lived experiences with our team's professional knowledge to better understand and address barriers to ageing well.

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Ageing Better newsletter

The best place to stay up to date with our work. Keep in the loop with the latest policy developments, events, resources as well as research about ageing...

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Older woman with purple hair

Age Without Limits newsletter

Take the first step in challenging ageism by signing up to hear about our hard-hitting new campaign highlighting the issue of ageism.

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A father and daughter walking together

We're proud to be:

You can read the 2023/4 accounts and trustees' annual report for Centre for Ageing Better Limited and for Centre for Ageing Better Trust. We are a charitable foundation funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and part of the government’s What Works Network.

Latest research from others

Fernando, R. L. et al., Journal of the American Medical Directors Association
This report examines quality and safety indicators used to monitor and improve care transitions for older adults.
Evans, S, L., Journal of Public Health
This study outlines how sociodemographic factors influence the physical activity, diet and mental health of older people living in England.
World Health Organization
This guidance outlines an integrated care tool focused on healthy aging.

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