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Blogs: Age-friendly and inclusive volunteering

In this blog series, we hear reflections from some of the larger charities about the importance of – and the barriers to – volunteering.

Indian make volunteer, helping disabled black woman down the street.

These reflections come in response to our latest report ‘Age-friendly and inclusive volunteering: Review of community contributions in later life’.

Preview Older woman hospital volunteering standing outside hospital.

The NHS relies on local people not only to work in our services, support patients when they are ill and help them recover afterwards, but also on local volunteers who add value and support in a multitude of ways.

Preview This photo is taken on the street outside of a hospital with sign saying 'General Hospital'.

In light of our latest review on age-friendly inclusive volunteering, Michael Adamson, CEO at British Red Cross, ponders on how to build greater links with informal community networks.

Preview Group of muslim men prayer in front of building.

The review of community contributions in later life finds that some people can be shut out of ‘formal’ volunteer roles.

Preview Four elderly ladies sitting around a table smiling.

For many people, being shown the community impact of their activity is extremely important. 

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Age-friendly inclusive volunteering report cover.

Age-friendly and inclusive volunteering: Review of community contributions in later life

This review of community contributions in later life calls on charities, voluntary organisations and the public sector to do more to support and sustain the good will and effort of older volunteers.

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