We want to better understand these wide-ranging benefits. We have received valuable feedback on our draft plan for a research review on how adaptations to people’s homes can help improve later life. We are using this feedback to finalise the specification for the review we will shortly be commissioning. Keep an eye on our Twitter for the latest updates.
Alongside the systematic review, we will also engage with a wide range of professionals and practitioners involved in providing and funding home adaptations, as well as people who have adapted their homes, to add practical and personal insights to the understanding of what works. Our approach to evidence, similar to that adopted by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) for the prevention library, seeks to draw on practice evidence as well as academic research.
The findings from our work in this area will be used to help a wide range of people, from those considering their own or their family members’ needs to policymakers and commissioners responsible for the Disabled Facilities Grant. Ageing Better wants more people to feel in control even as they face increasing difficulties with daily living due to ill health, cognitive decline or disability. We want more people in later life to feel involved, connected, active and healthy. We look forward to working with organisations like SCIE to achieve this.