Many of us find it hard to imagine our retirement positively. Our recent survey last year showed that only around half of UK workers planning to retire in the next five years are looking forward to it (56%), with worries including managing money, feeling bored and missing social connections.
I spoke to Margaret, a senior manager, about her experience of the lead up to this transition and how she turned her fears around. At the end of last year, Margaret’s retirement date was only several months away, yet she found it incredibly difficult to think about. She was caught up in a demanding job which she loved and it was easy to avoid thinking about the future.
When she did, she imagined “waking up on the first day, and wondering what to do with myself now”. If that had turned out to be the case, she would not be the only person to find it hard. Our survey also showed that 1 in 5 of people who retired in the last five years found it difficult.