A proactive method for tackling unemployment in older people is on its way to development in Greater Manchester, aiming to help the UK’s estimated 800,000 people aged 50 to 65 who would like to be working but aren’t.
Fulfilling work is fundamentally important to enjoying a good later life. People who are able to keep earning and contributing to pension funds for longer are less likely to endure poverty in later life. Quality of work is also important, as we know that poor quality work can be as bad for you and your mental health as unemployment.
But older jobseekers have a much harder time finding work than their younger counterparts. Job loss after the age of 50 is 33 per cent more likely to lead to long-term unemployment than job loss in those under 50s – leaving many older people stuck in an unemployment trap. Ageism in the recruitment processes and inflexible employers are leaving too many over 50s locked out of work, and the current model of jobseekers support just isn’t working for this age group.
Research we completed in the Greater Manchester area in 2017 showed us the problems. Older people surveyed said that while skill-training courses are available to them, the skills were not always translatable to jobs on offer. Many of those surveyed also had a health issue or caring duties that meant attending long training sessions was not manageable.