With over-50s making up 40% of the population, how can we possibly make good local decisions without knowing more about them. Are more older people living alone in particular areas, what kinds of housing do they live in and how will that affect the local housing market in the future? How many people are approaching later life out of work involuntarily? In some local areas, the proportion of older people might be small, but that can hide a wealth of inequality and unmet needs which aren’t acknowledged or prioritised in local policies.
The best way to understand the issues is to set up a consultative group to ensure older people’s voices are heard. Councillors should take every opportunity to speak with older residents to understand the unique problems and opportunities in their area. Performing a walking audit with older residents in local high streets is a good way of understanding the built environment. Are shops accessible? Are there enough benches? Are crossing times at traffic lights too quick?
Only by talking to older people and seeing the local context through their eyes will real solutions be found.
One thing councillors can all do is support their local authority to join the UK Network of Age-friendly Communities. This shows their commitment to addressing the concerns of older residents and celebrating their local achievements. In an Age-friendly Community, services, local groups, businesses and residents all work together to identify and make the changes in both the physical environment (e.g. transport, outdoor spaces) and social environment (e.g. volunteering, employment) that are relevant to their own local context and enable people to lead healthy and active later lives.
The eight domains of age-friendly provide a framework for understanding needs and preferences as well as barriers, local priorities, and opportunities for healthy, active ageing. Local Industrial Strategies also provide a great opportunity to responding to the Ageing Grand Challenge and drive real change for older people now and in the future.