The added pressure of sanctions is hardly going to encourage them to seek such support.
Our projects at Ageing Better tell us that, to be successful in building back a multigenerational workforce, the focus should be on engaging actively with individuals and delivering key services in a more inclusive way, providing tailored support within familiar settings that are not tied to the provision of benefit. This is particularly an issue when support is linked to Jobcentre Plus, where trust between jobseeker and coach could already be low.
Sanctions stand only to further disenfranchise potential older workers. Instead, we need to see more creative thinking, in the form of positive measures from central government, to get the economy moving in the right direction again.
At Ageing Better, we remain enthusiastic supporters of the 50-plus work champions, and we’re encouraged to see that more time will be given by work coaches to older workers. The trust and support that these roles can bring to someone’s journey back into employment must not be underestimated, or pressured by an arbitrary deadline of one month.