What works? Age-friendly and inclusive volunteering
For Volunteers' Week 1-7 June 2019, we held an interactive webinar on Age-friendly and inclusive volunteering.
What works? Age-friendly and inclusive volunteering - a free interactive webinar
By the time people reach later life, the majority have some experience of contributing to their communities. Looking to the future, there is no room for complacency. The older population is changing – we may not be able to rely on a ‘civic core’ of healthier, wealthier and white volunteers. Without action to attract and retain a more diverse pool of volunteers, organisations working with volunteers may find their capacity is depleted.
In 2018 we published a review of community contributions in later life. It calls on charities, voluntary organisations and the public sector to do more to support and sustain the good will and effort of older volunteers. Our booklet for volunteer-involving organisations sets out six principles for age-friendly and inclusive volunteering and ideas for how to put them into practice.
Watch the webinar
Guide to making the most of volunteers' talents launched
Read moreThis free interactive webinar will be a chance to hear about our recommendations, for you to share your experiences of age-friendly and inclusive volunteering, and to join the conversation.
- Claire Turner, Director of Evidence, Centre for Ageing Better
- Rachel Monaghan, Programme Manager, Centre for Ageing Better