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Our events bring people, organisations and experts together to share knowledge and experience.

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row of houses with cars outside

Finding funds, fixing homes: innovation in local authority provision of home improvement grants and loans

Finance is a fundamental barrier facing people who want to make improvements to their home. Learn how local areas are tailoring financial solutions to meet the needs of their residents.

  • Homes
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view of a sunny seaside pier with people enjoying the sunshine

An introduction to Age-friendly Communities

What is an Age-friendly Community? Learn about the WHO Age-friendly Communities framework and what can be achieved through becoming one.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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terraced houses

Event: Building effective local home improvement services: Good Home Hubs

What is a Good Home Hub? Learn about this comprehensive model for home improvement services and how it can benefit people living in your area.

  • Homes
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Exterior of a house with level access flooring

Housing quality and people’s health: making the case for improving health through housing

Homes should be places of warmth and safety but for millions of people, their homes cause falls, asthma, heart problems, joint problems, and many more conditions. Understand how local areas are creating joint solutions across the health, care and housing sectors.

  • Homes

Past events

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picture of a cluttered living room

The experience of people approaching later life in lockdown

This webinar, jointly hosted with Ipsos MORI, looks at the impact of COVID-19 on 50-70-year olds in England.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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a male railway volunteer

Tackling ageism: Healthy ageing webinars

How do we challenge ageist and negative language, culture and practices?

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Digital Inclusion

The Road to Recovery: Bridging the digital divide

In this webinar we explored what we can learn from the COVID-19 pandemic about how to support people to get online and stay online.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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two women in a community cooking class

The Road to Recovery: Lessons from community organisations’ role supporting older people through the pandemic

In this webinar we explored how ‘Neighbourhood Networks’ in Leeds and Birmingham are responding to COVID-19, and the role of community organisations in supporting people in later life to remain connected to others and involved in our communities.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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The Age of Ageing Better? A Manifesto for our Future

In partnership with The Policy Institute at King's College London, Anna Dixon discusses the main themes behind her new book, 'The Age of Ageing Better? A Manifesto for our Future' with Lord David Willetts.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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sketch of a floorplan of a house

The Road to Recovery: Designing and building new homes

In this Road to Recovery webinar we explored how we could design new, age-inclusive homes.

  • Homes
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Older people outside St Pauls

The Age of Ageing Better: In conversation with Anna Dixon and Matthew Taylor

Anna Dixon and Matthew Taylor discuss the key themes from Anna’s new book: 'The Age of Ageing Better?', out now.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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an urban road disappearing into the distance

The Road to Recovery: How can the COVID-19 crisis provide an opportunity to improve later lives?

This webinar explored how we can recover from this pandemic, shaping our future so we can all age better.

  • Age-friendly Movement

Latest research from others

Palermo, G. et al., Occupational Medicine
23 May 2024
This study examines the employment patterns of older women aged 50-64, and the factors leading to job exit.
House of Commons Library
23 May 2024
This report discusses the increasing frequency, duration, and intensity of extreme heat in the UK, and it’s impacts on vulnerable populations (including older people).
Older People’s Commissioner for Wales
20 May 2024
This report outlines the lived experiences of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic older people living in Wales.

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