Traditionally employment support has not worked as well for people over 50 as it has for other groups. Many programmes also haven’t required those delivering and evaluating services to look at what is and isn’t working for older jobseekers, meaning we have had less evidence to support the development of better services. Ageing Better, in partnership with Greater Manchester Combined Authority, want to change this and are working together to look at ways of better engaging and supporting those over 50s who are furthest from the labour market and not engaging with existing delivery.
In 2020 Ageing Better commissioned design partner Humanly to conduct and 18 month long co-design and prototyping project across 3 Local Authorities in Greater Manchester. Working closely with the Department for Work and Pensions, local stakeholders, residents with lived experience of being out of work, service providers and community groups, we gained great insights into what people want from employment and skill support, and what challenges people are facing.
The insights from this work, along with our wider research, have been used to develop both our employability training with the Institute for Employability Professionals and our delivery guides for key workers, employer engagement staff and commissioners.
To further build on this learning, Greater Manchester Combined Authority have now commissioned a service covering all 10 Local Authorities, with a dedicated 50+ offer. Support to Succeed began delivery in January 2024, with the Growth Company and 7 local partners delivering a range of outreach, engagement and interventions aimed at progressing people towards their goals. The programme is aiming to support a minimum of 1000 people over 50 who are not currently engaging with services. Building on the insights of the co-design process, this programme is not solely focused on getting a job as the end outcome, as we know many will require longer term support to achieve this. It provides specialist support including counselling, financial health and confidence building, alongside focused job search groups and activities for those wanting to look for work.
Ageing Better have commissioned NatCen and WPI Economics to evaluate the implementation, delivery and impact of the project which runs until March 2025. We will use the insights from this work to support commissioners and providers of services across the country in continually improving their offers of support for those over 50.
Commissioners and providers of employment and skills support who are interested in hearing more can contact us directly: [email protected]
Individuals living in the Greater Manchester area who would like to access Support to Succeed can do so by visiting here: Working Well: Support to Succeed (