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older woman working

How can we better support over 50s into work?

What's important for people aged over 50, and how do work and learning fit into these priorities?

  • Age-friendly Movement
  • Work
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older woman walking

Youngest baby boomers risk becoming a ‘forgotten generation’ with inequality skyrocketing and financial pressures worsening

Our new report finds that people in their 50s and 60s today face worse circumstances than the cohort before them, with 1 in 5 people in this age group likely to face multiple, long-term problems.

  • Age-friendly Movement
  • Work
  • Homes
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older worker

Fears over 50s leaving the labour market for good with 180,000 fewer in employment than before the pandemic

The latest ONS labour market figures show that there are 362,000 over 50s currently unemployed and over a quarter of people aged 50-64 are classed as economically inactive.

  • Work
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older man talking

Health of some ethnic minority groups in the UK equivalent to White people at least 20 years older, according to a new study

New study reveals stark ethnic health inequalities across the population, with differences in health among different groups particularly pronounced in later life.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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woman cycling

‘Pushing at an open door’: Taking advantage of the shifts in active travel during the pandemic

During the pandemic, quieter roads and the rapid deployment of infrastructure led to an increase in cycling. It’s crucial that we continue this increased uptake in active travel for 50-70 year olds.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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older woman walking

Helping people age better: The role of physical activity and active travel

Physical inactivity is a major risk factor for the development of poor health in later life and active travel is one way to improve levels of physical activity.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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A good later life for Black men over 50

Many older Black men are faced with the reality of the double jeopardy of ethnic inequalities and ageism. However, these issues are often unseen, unknown and unsupported.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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inclusive kitchen

Designing homes for everyone

Contrary to popular belief, inclusive design can be both attractive and affordable. What we need is better advice and information so we can build accessible and inclusive homes that work for all of us.

  • Homes
  • Age-friendly Movement

Latest research from others

Crocker, T, F., et al., Age and Ageing
25 May 2024
This paper presents a typology of community-based interventions to support older people to sustain independence.
Vlachantoni, A., et al., Ageing and Society
19 May 2024
This study explores patterns of unmet social care need amongst people aged 65 and over living in England. Based on an analysis of English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) data, this study shows…
House of Commons Library
14 May 2024
This report outlines evidence on the drivers of inequalities experienced in dementia services across England and Wales. Drawing on data from NHS England and research from dementia charities, it…

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