Review of the role of home adaptations in improving later life
Our Invitation to Tender for a review of the evidence into how home adaptations can contribute to improving people’s later lives.
Home adaptations – ranging from minor adaptations such as additional hand rails to major adaptations such as stair lifts – can improve the quality of life for people as they age, helping them to feel more confident and in control of their daily activities, can help to prevent falls, and can prevent or delay a move into residential care or the uptake of domiciliary care.
The last comprehensive review of the evidence for the outcomes and costs associated with home adaptations was published in 2007. Since then, there has been increasing policy attention paid to the benefits of home adaptations.
The ITT from Ageing Better has been produced following feedback on a draft plan for the research, which Ageing Better issued in April. It is intended the review will provide evidence to help influence a range of organisations and practitioners, including occupational therapists and healthcare professionals through to architects and policy makers.
Our homes have a significant impact on our wellbeing and our ability to live our lives the way we want to.
Rachael Docking, Senior Evidence Manager, the Centre for Ageing Better, said:
"Our homes have a significant impact on our wellbeing and our ability to live our lives the way we want to. Evidence drives everything we do, so we are taking a comprehensive approach to gathering evidence on what helps people to live in their own homes for longer."
“We would like to thank all those who gave feedback in response to our consultation on the draft plan, and are particularly grateful to Care & Repair England for their close involvement and expert input.”
Alongside the systematic review, Ageing Better will also engage with a wide range of organisations involved in providing and funding home adaptations, as well as people who have adapted their homes, to add practical and personal insights to the understanding of what works.
The deadline for tender submissions has now passed.