Our new strategy will keep us focused and moving in the right direction, building upon the significant achievements we have already made in our first seven years.
Our flagship State of Ageing reports, providing comprehensive yearly reviews of publicly available data, have laid bare the stark inequalities of ageing in this country and the real-life impacts of a society rife with ageism.
Our new strategic ambition to ensure everyone can live in age-friendly, accessible, healthy homes in intergenerational communities builds on the work of The Good Home Inquiry, commissioned by Ageing Better, which highlighted the grim reality of the nation’s housing stock and outlined steps to be taken to deliver abundant safe and accessible housing.
Ageing Better will seek to influence policy and practice so that everyone has access to good jobs, which are right for them, throughout their fifties and sixties. This builds on much of our impactful existing work, such as the development of new services to help over-50s who have fallen out of the labour market, or who are facing redundancy, to find alternative employment.
We will continue to grow our Age-friendly Community movement, a network of World Health Organisation-accredited communities pledging to improve the wellbeing and social participation of older people. The network currently stands at 56 communities across the UK with 23.5 million people living in an Age-friendly Community.
We will shine a light on the widespread use of derogatory and harmful stereotypes in public life. We want to inspire an age-friendly movement, working across communities and across industries to break down the barriers that currently exist for older people.
We will continue to press for the appointment of an Commissioner for Older People and Ageing to champion the voices and safeguard the rights of older people. And we will do so much more.
Our vision is a society in which everyone can live a good later life. A society where more people can expect good health, fair and respectful treatment, and financial security as they grow older. This is a world within reach – but only if we first unite in the fight against ageism.