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The State of Ageing 2022

Our online, interactive report captures a snapshot of how people in the UK are ageing today, while looking at past trends and our prospects if action isn't taken.

Older and younger people walking together

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Older and younger woman walking together

Read the summarised version of our annual State of Ageing report, which highlights rising pensioner poverty and poor health.


Context, State of Ageing 2022

This chapter sets the scene for how people in the UK are ageing today and our prospects for a good later life.


Work, State of Ageing 2022

Over 50s are being left behind by the post-pandemic employment recovery, and they face many barriers to re-employment.


Housing, State of Ageing 2022

An increasing number of people are rented rather than owning their own homes in later life. And millions of homes are bad for people's health and wellbeing.


Health, State of Ageing 2022

More people are living with illness and disability, and life expectancy is falling – but these aren't being experienced equally.


Communities, State of Ageing 2022

Despite the importance of staying connected to our community, inequalities are shaping people's quality of life and access to support.


Watch: Experiences of ageing in England today

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A guide to data, indicators and other ways to understand how well people are ageing in your local area.
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'The State of Ageing 2022' suggests England is becoming an increasingly challenging country to grow old in, with pensioner poverty and levels of poor health increasing.
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We explored the key themes from our flagship report, The State of Ageing 2022, a comprehensive review of the most recent national data on ageing.

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The State of Ageing 2022

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