Large charities have much to learn from grass-roots groups
In light of our latest review on age-friendly inclusive volunteering, Michael Adamson, CEO at British Red Cross, ponders on how to build greater links with informal community networks.
We need to look beyond the traditional core of volunteers
The NHS relies on local people not only to work in our services, support patients when they are ill and help them recover afterwards, but also on local volunteers who add value and support in a multitude of ways.
Primary research into community contributions in later life
Ageing Better commissioned participatory research into community contributions in later life to better understand how older people currently contribute to and are supported by their communities.
Age-friendly and inclusive volunteering: Review of community contributions in later life
This review of community contributions in later life calls on charities, voluntary organisations and the public sector to do more to support and sustain the good will and effort of older volunteers.
Too many of us face barriers that stop us making a contribution to our communities as we age
A review of community contributions in later life, done in partnership with the Office for Civil Society, calls on charities and the public sector to do more to support and sustain the efforts of older volunteers.
David joined the Age Friendly Nottingham Steering Group in 2015, using his highly analytical mind to ensure that policy and strategy in Nottingham reflects the needs of people in later life.