One in seven people in the UK, including millions of older people, are living in an unsafe home that damages their health, putting huge and unnecessary pressure on the NHS and social care services.
At the Centre for Ageing Better, we are calling for a national strategy to make homes safe and a local network of Good Home Hubs to deliver the improvements. This compendium represents a key source of evidence for the recommendations in our work. We have published this in the hopes that it will inform others working to the same agenda.
Policies and programmes are organised under a series of key themes:
Housing repair and improvement (private sector)
Housing repair and improvement (social sector)
Falls prevention and safety
Area-based initiatives
Energy Efficiency
Digital Connectivity
For each policy, the report outlines the aims and timeframe of the initiative, the population of interest, funding sources, costs, key outputs/ outcomes, programme mechanisms and barriers and learning from implementation.
The report has been generated through an extensive review of existing evidence and carried out primarily by Dr Jenny Preece, Professor David Robinson, Professor Kenneth Gibb and Dr Gareth Young at the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence. Consultant Arno Schmickler also contributed to the report.
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