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Access all our resources, including reports and infographics, on age-friendly society, work and homes.

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Getting the most out of digital infographics

Getting the most out of digital infographics

We are focusing on finding new solutions, starting offline rather than online, that help people use digital technology in the ways that they want to.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Home adaptations infographics

Home adaptations infographics

Home is where most people want to be in later life and 80% of homeowners aged 65 and over wish to stay where they are. Homes are important for health and wellbeing – home adaptations can delay a move into residential care by four years.

  • Homes
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Strength and balance infographics

Strength and balance infographics

We want more people to be more physically active in later life. Maintaining and improving muscle strength and balance can help people in later life live independently and reduce the risk of falls.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Annual Review 2016-17

Centre for Ageing Better Annual review 2016-17

An overview of our work over the past year, as well as setting out future plans for achieving its vision of a society where everybody enjoys a good later life.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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How-to guide for Take a seat campaign

How-to guide: ‘Take a seat’ campaign

This one-page toolkit from Age-friendly Nottingham will help you get started on your campaign to make seats available in your local community.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Priority actions for better later lives

General Election 2017: Priority actions for better later lives

The next government has an opportunity to address the challenges and seize the opportunities of an ageing population, to ensure everyone enjoys a good later life.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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a mid life less ordinary

A mid-life less ordinary?

A report published by the Centre for Ageing Better and the Resolution Foundation which identifies characteristics and incomes of low to middle income households age 50 to state pension age.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Health, care and housing workshop summary

Health, care and housing workshop summary

We brought together people across the health, care and housing sectors to develop joint solutions to enable people to live independently for longer and alleviate pressure on the NHS and social care.

  • Age-friendly Movement

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