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Access all our resources, including reports and infographics, on age-friendly society, work and homes.

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Living longer: Infographics

Living longer: Infographics

This set of infographics summarises the key stats around our ageing population through engaging and accessible illustrations.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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improving employment support

Improving employment support for over 50s in Greater Manchester

Partnering with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and DWP, this project looks at developing effective approaches to providing employment support for over 50s.

  • Age-friendly Movement
  • Work
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devekioubg a local 'state of ageing' report

Developing a local ‘State of Ageing’ report

A guide to data, indicators and other ways to understand how well people are ageing in your local area.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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upskilling employability workers thumbnail

Upskilling employability workers: Final report

This slide deck summarises the findings of new training for employability support advisors in Greater Manchester on how to better support older jobseekers.

  • Work
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recent and future patterns of work

Recent and future patterns of work around state pension age

This report, funded by Ageing Better, examines recent trends in, and prospects for, the labour market for people in their 50s and 60s.

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How did increasing the state pension age affect household incomes

How did increasing the state pension age from 65 to 66 affect household incomes?

This report, funded by Ageing Better, examines the impact of increasing the state pension age from 65 to 66 on household incomes, poverty and public finances.

  • Work
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Employer Attitudes evidence cards

Employer attitudes: Evidence cards

This set of downloadable evidence cards summarises employers’ attitudes towards older workers, including their thoughts on being an age-friendly employer.

  • Work
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everyone has the right to a good later life

Everyone has the right to a good later life: Our 2022-25 strategy

In our new strategy we're determined to build on existing work and focus further on how we can improve later lives.

  • Age-friendly Movement

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