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A cropped section of 'The experience of the transition to retirement' publication cover.

The experience of the transition to retirement: Rapid evidence review

Retirement from work is a major life transition. For many, retirement from paid employment is something to look forward to. But for others, retirement can pose many challenges and they find it difficult to adjust to their new role and circumstances.

  • Work
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'Thinking ahead' report cover

Thinking ahead: Exploring support provided by employers to help staff plan for their future

An exploration of what large employers are doing to support employees in their mid-life through to retirement, the delivery of interventions and the business context that led to interventions.

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Developing mid-life MOT

Developing the mid-life MOT

Showcasing four case studies, this report outlines the response to the recommendation to introduce a ‘mid-life MOT’ in John Cridland’s independent review of state pension age.

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Becoming an age-friendly employer

Becoming an age-friendly employer

The older workforce is already a reality. This guide sets out five simple actions that employers can take now to improve the way they recruit, support and retain older workers.

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Publication cover

Health warning for employers: Supporting older workers with health conditions

Research shows that employers are not properly supporting older workers experiencing long-term physical and mental health conditions.

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silver lining

A silver lining for the UK economy? The intergenerational case for supporting longer working lives

We are living longer and working longer. While an ageing society contributes to pressures on public finances, it also creates new opportunities to rebalance the fiscal equation.

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Addressing worklessness and job insecurity amongst people aged 50 and over in Greater Manchester

Addressing worklessness and job insecurity amongst people aged 50 and over in Greater Manchester

This report from the Centre for Ageing Better calls for a radical rethink to tackle chronic worklessness experienced by the over 50s, with data showing this age group experience an ‘unemployment trap'.

  • Age-friendly Movement
  • Work
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Evaluation of pilot projects: Supporting people through the transition  into retirement

Evaluation of pilot projects: Supporting people through the transition into retirement

An evaluation of seven pilot projects funded under the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s (CGF) (UK Branch) Transitions in Later Life programme.

  • Work

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