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Access all our resources, including reports and infographics, on age-friendly society, work and homes.

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Priorities for Local Government

Priorities for Local Government: Transforming later lives

This paper identifies actions to guide how local government can champion a vision of inclusive growth that makes the most of the economic opportunities of our longer lives.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Ageing in a rural place

Ageing in a rural place

This paper provides a commentary on the challenges and opportunities for people ageing in rural and coastal places.

  • Age-friendly Movement
  • Homes
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Getting our homes in order

Getting our homes in order: How England's homes are failing us

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of people have spent more time at home than ever before and the impact of poor living conditions on people’s physical and mental health is becoming indisputably more apparent.

  • Homes
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No place like home

No place like home: Findings from the NatCen panel Homes and Communities Study 2020

This report produces the findings from our survey conducted with NatCen, which looked at how people feel about their homes and the impact of the first lockdown on those aged 50 to 69.

  • Homes
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Too much experience: Older workers' perceptions of ageism in the recruitment process

This report shares findings on ageism in the recruitment process from the perspective of older workers. It's part of a wider programme of work looking at the recruitment landscape for employers and older jobseekers.

  • Work
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Community spirit

Community Spirit: Findings from the NatCen panel Homes and Communities Study 2020

This report produces the findings from our survey conducted with NatCen, which looked at how people feel about their communities and the impact of the first lockdown on those aged 50 to 69.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Remote engagement

Remote engagement: Removing barriers to inclusion in the context of COVID-19

This paper was developed from work coming out of the Community of Practice in light of challenges that lockdown and COVID-19 created for engagement / co-production.

  • Age-friendly Movement
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Shut out

Shut out: How employers and recruiters are overlooking the talents of over 50s workers

This report looks at the current and future recruitment landscape for older workers. It is the first publication in a series from our Good Recruitment for Older Workers (GROW) project.

  • Work

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