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Becoming a more Age-friendly Community doesn’t have to cost the earth, writes our Age-friendly Communities Learning Officer Rebecca Lines. In fact, it can often be a matter of doing what is already happening, with your ageing population in mind.
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Millions of people will go to the polls in May to decide who will lead a growing number of Mayoral and Combined Authorities.
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To celebrate our first Age Without Limits Action Day this photo exhibition celebrates the huge diversity across ages and shows there is no one way to grow old.
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In this session we will outline the World Health Organisation's Age-friendly Communities approach and how it can bring benefit to local Age UKs
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The new data also reveals that significant proportions of the population have concerns about their mobility, mental function, competency in their jobs, and ability to drive as they get older.
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In this webinar invited experts examined what we know about the lives of older people from minority ethnic backgrounds, and what action is needed to address inequalities.
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Today we're launching Age Without Limits, a hard-hitting new campaign highlighting the issue of ageism.
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The Centre for Ageing Better is delighted to congratulate its Chair, Professor Dame Carol Black, on being awarded the Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (GBE) in the New Year’s Honours List 2024.
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This Christmas, our Ageing Better experts are not asking Santa for a Stretch Armstong, a Cabbage Patch Doll or a Thunderbirds Tracey Island.

Instead, we’re asking St Nicholas to sprinkle some of his yuletide magic to bring about lasting societal change in 2024.
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At the end of last month, Age-friendly Community members from across the country came together for another successful UK Network of Age-friendly Communities Conference.
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