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Our newly published State of Ageing report details how older people from certain ethnic minority backgrounds are currently much more likely to be living in poor health, deep poverty and inadequate housing than the national average.
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Our older population is larger and more diverse than ever. What does the data tell us about this?
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Over and above working and caring, we explore important contributions older people make to society. We will be releasing more detailed data and analysis in 2024.
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We examine why so many older people face significant financial inequality and are not prepared for their retirement. This full length chapter has been updated in 2024.
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There is a growing divide in our experiences of ageing. Our summary discusses the data on our older population, highlights stark inequalities and the urgent need for action.
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Unfortunately, there are huge inequalities in our health due to factors like ethnicity, where we live, and our wealth.
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Our annual State of Ageing report is the definitive compilation of data around the experiences of our ageing population.
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Ageing Better

How to cite State of Ageing 2023-24

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The new annual report from England’s Chief Medical Officer says significantly improving the quality of life for older people should be a major aim of policy and medical practice.
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Ageism Action Day

Our new Action Day on 20th March 2024 is a chance for everyone to do something to change the narrative about ageing.
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