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On October 1 this year, people across the world once again marked UN International Day of Older Persons (IDOP).
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As Black History Month draws to a close, our Evidence Manager Sarah Wilkinson, provides new insights into the lives of the Black Caribbean community using Census 2021 data.
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MP Jo Gideon says that a major cultural transformation is needed if we want to challenge the negative perceptions of older workers and recognise their potential and contributions.
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Britain is a country with a growing ageing population and yet has high levels of ageism. A new organisation is helping to tackle that. 
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How do you create a menopause-friendly workplace?

Surveys show that three in five menopausal women are negatively affected at work and that nearly one million women in the UK left their jobs because of menopausal symptoms.
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Ageing Better has been in attendance at the Conservative and Labour Party Conferences in Manchester and Liverpool over the last two weeks.
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Earlier this year, Ageing Better launched a new interview series highlighting influential individuals challenging societal ageism.
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Writing to your councillor to make your area an Age-friendly Community

Some information on how you can write to your Councillor
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The first of October is an important date in the Ageing Better calendar as we come together to mark International Day of Older Persons.
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This report explores the steps that can be taken by any area to develop a Good Home Hub.
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