Healthy homes in Lincolnshire
Find out how Lincolnshire Country and District Councils, in partnership with Ageing Better, have been helping communities to live well in warm and safe homes.

Engagement with residents in Lincolnshire highlighted that they:
- wanted to reduce their energy costs
- were concerned about the cost of home repairs
- did not know how to find trusted tradespeople.
In response, Lincolnshire County and District Councils began to develop a one-stop-shop for residents to access much-needed help and support. The Centre for Ageing Better has been working alongside Lincolnshire on this journey.
Ageing Better wanted to test the concept of a ‘Good Home Hub’ in practice and share the learning to enable local areas to undertake the same process. Developing a Good Home Hub aligned with Lincolnshire’s ambition to support people to live independently in their own homes for as long as possible. Home improvements and other services would enable people to stay safe, warm and well.
First, a service design agency was commissioned to map the local context, challenges and opportunities in the county. This was followed by in-depth engagement with potential beneficiaries and stakeholders.
In September 2024, Good Home Lincs was successfully launched as a pilot service for 24 months.
The model involved supporting residents with a range of services, information and advice. This might include identifying necessary home improvement work, financing repairs to improve energy efficiency, advice on safety and security, even support for moving home.
We have commissioned the London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE) to undertake an evaluation of the Good Home Lincs programme. Running concurrently with the pilot, the evaluation will look at the impact of the model, its cost-effectiveness and to what extent the project achieves its goals. The evaluation will conclude in late 2026.
Stay in touch
If you are a local practitioner working on housing issues, keep updated on the Lincolnshire project by joining our Good Home Network. Our learning network is designed to foster collaboration, make connections, share challenges and, most importantly, create change. If you’d like to find out more about the Good Home Network and join its growing membership, get in touch.