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We want to help society respond positively and constructively to the demographic age shift, which will see one in four of us aged over 65 in the next 20 years.
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This webinar, jointly hosted with Ipsos MORI, looks at the impact of COVID-19 on 50-70-year olds in England.
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This project launch page looks at the data behind the people who are at risk of missing out on a good later life, with a focus on BAME experiences.
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New data shows Black people in their 50s and 60s have significantly lower weekly income than their White peers, are less likely to own their home outright and are more likely to live in deprived areas.
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Jane Portas, a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years’ financial services and business advisory experience, takes up new trustee role.
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Preview Gillie's voice

Gilli's voice - Moments of Joy

Age Better in Sheffield’s ‘Moments of Joy’ and ‘Hello Neighbour Boxes’ have been helping older people through the pandemic by providing vital information and human connection in a time of isolation.
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Newly released stats from the ONS show at the beginning of 2020, nearly a fifth of over 65s hadn’t used the internet within the last three months.
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Two years on from our strategy, Transforming later lives, we look back on our achievements before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019-20 across our priority work areas.
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A year in review: our impact in 2019-2020

Impact report from the Centre for Ageing Better highlighting our work from the past 12 months, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Preview Sefton

Age-friendly case study: Sefton’s older people at the heart of partnership working

Sefton, a borough within the Liverpool City Region, is working progressively with members of its neighbourhoods to help make the area more age-friendly.
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